Register for the 2024 LV Lifestyle Medicine Symposium.
Note: We are using the Zeffy platform to manage our event. This is 100% free to Kellyn, but it is funded by OPTIONAL contributions to the platform. Before checking out, you will see a line item that says "Add a contribution to keep the platform we use 100% free!" It is your choice if you want to contribute. Feel free to make a contribution to Zeffy if you wish, or change it to zero, it will not have any impact on Kellyn's mission.
Note: We are using the Zeffy platform to manage our event. This is 100% free to Kellyn, but it is funded by OPTIONAL contributions to the platform. Before checking out, you will see a line item that says "Add a contribution to keep the platform we use 100% free!" It is your choice if you want to contribute. Feel free to make a contribution to Zeffy if you wish, or change it to zero, it will not have any impact on Kellyn's mission.
Important Information
Lifestyle Medicine Symposium Postponed Indefinitely
We are saddened to have to report that we are indefinitely postponing the 2020 LV Lifestyle Medicine Symposium to protect the health and safety of our community and to mitigate the spread of COVID-19. For anyone who has registered, we will be in contact via email with additional details.
Lifestyle Medicine Symposium Postponed Indefinitely
We are saddened to have to report that we are indefinitely postponing the 2020 LV Lifestyle Medicine Symposium to protect the health and safety of our community and to mitigate the spread of COVID-19. For anyone who has registered, we will be in contact via email with additional details.
2020 Registration Information:
- Conference Title: Changing the Game - Preventing and Reversing Chronic Disease
- Conference Tuition includes up to seven (7) CME credits for the Saturday Symposium, up to three (3) credits for two of the Friday Workshops, and delicious plant-based meals, snacks and morning/afternoon tea/coffee breaks as outlined on the Schedule.
- Conference Cost: Various Registration Costs based on attending the Symposium with or without Friday Workshops, and whether Continuing Education Credits are desired. See Schedule for Details.
- Conference CME Provider: St Luke's University Health Network
- Questions? Contact [email protected]